UK CA Approved


Our Company EllisonAC Limited designs and manufactures offsite Packaged Plantrooms which are manufactured to the highest standards possible including UK CA Approval within its processes. It has been brought to our attention that companies are purchasing Packaged Plantrooms from manufacturers who are NOT UK CA Accredited.

EllisonAC are certified to BS EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 exc Class 2

For your information BS EN 1090-1 became mandatory on 1st July 2014. It is now therefore a Legal Requirement for all fabricated structural steelwork, including Packaged Plantrooms, delivered to site to be UK CA Marked.

May we please refer you to the following detailed important link regarding this statement;
Within this detailed steel construction information link is a video clip, for a reduced length clip on the applicable elements.


You will note from details listed within this link that it is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT to buy fabricated steel structures manufactured to a UK CA Approval, which obviously a Packaged Plantroom is. Therefore it is for the Purchaser to ensure goods are purchased being fully compliant and legal.

Companies who supply Packaged Plantroom structures that are not legal and compliant do so at the risk of prosecution but more importantly the ‘Purchaser’ may find that, should anything happen as a result of purchasing a non-compliant Packaged Plantroom, their Insurers may not honour any liability resulting from the purchase of a non-compliant Plantroom fabricated steel structure. Should a Plantroom be ‘specified’ from a non UK CA approved company the designers could obviously then risk possible implications in this process.

Our company EllisonAC, as we have stated, manufactures Packaged Plant Solutions within our purpose built factory to the highest standards achievable and are fully compliant and legal with the obvious cost inclusions for this high standard of offsite manufacture. We therefore think it only right for companies and clients to be advised and to carefully review the standards of Packaged Plantrooms which are supplied by companies.

To conclude, we believe some Packaged Plantroom manufacturers may be attempting to resolve and possibly circumnavigate their non UK CA status by purchasing a steel frame enclosure from an external UK CA approved welding company. Whilst this could possibly initially appear to resolve the situation, the legal facts, as contained within the video link above, are;

(a)  If a steel frame enclosure is altered or modified in any way, in essence if you are ‘making something’ from the already marked UK CA product, including the addition of plant, welding to the structure and drilling holes of certain sizes, this immediately nullifies the UK CA status of the structure.

(b)  If the Packaged Plantroom manufacturer purchases a steel framed enclosure from a UK CA accredited manufacturer and subsequently places the same into the market in its own name then this also immediately nullifies the UK CA status of the structure

In other words, if a Packaged Plantroom Steel frame enclosure, which may have been purchased from a UK CA accredited welding facility, is then modified by any means, it cannot then be sold on, or rebranded in name manufacturer, as a UK CA accredited Packaged Plantroom. With any additions or modifications carried out to a purchased UK CA welded structure the legal requirement would be for the structure to have to be re-accredited to achieve a UK CA status in its new form. This is obviously a process that a non UK CA approved Packaged Plantroom manufacturer could NOT physically achieve.